
Geoff Bruskin photo

Geoff Bruskin

Founder & Managing Partner

Geoff Bruskin is an M&A Consultant specializing in the Public Accounting and Financial Services space. Geoff runs White Tiger Connections Inc. where he advises Accounting Firm Owners on their strategic trajectory, and also works closely with their clients on brokering multi-category sales and investments. He is heavily connected in the Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Financial Services ecosystems.

Leah's picture: M&AP - Partner & Director of Operations for Meet the White Tiger Connections Team page

Leah Roderick, M&AP

Partner & COO

After a 14 year career in Financial Services, Leah joined White Tiger as a Partner where she is dedicated to connecting her clients with top-tier professionals who align with their values and goals, contributing to successful M&A transactions, and consulting on growth, operational efficiency, and succession strategies. She holds a Mergers & Acquisitions Professional (M&AP) certificate from the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions & Alliances (imaa).

Kerry Shepherd's website picture: EA -Partner, Diligence & Accounting Advisory for Meet the White Tiger Connections Team page

Kerry Shepherd, EA

Partner, Diligence & Accounting

Kerry Shepherd, finance expert with a focus on bookkeeping and accounting, excels in guiding diverse clients. His experience includes M&A, starting an international business, and entrepreneurship. He holds an MBA and undergrad degrees from Utah State, where he also shined in sports. Married with four children and a dog, he loves adventures.

The Rest of the Bunch

Bryce Hollingsworth

Senior Client Success Manager

Ana Lysycky

Marketing Coordinator

Brenda De Marco

Content and Video Producer

Victoria Troiano

Social Media Marketing Specialist

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