If you are an accounting firm that serves small to medium-sized businesses, and you have been in business for at least 10 years, you know that as your clients sell their business, they are always taking their AUM elsewhere.


It’s bad enough that you lose the client when they sell. Of course, you have the uptick in revenue that comes from assisting them in diligence and preparation for the sale, but let’s be honest – what hurts the most is your client getting a healthy 7 or 8 figure check made out to cash, and having them take their assets somewhere else.


If the average wealth management/financial advisory return is 1% annually, and a client sells their business for $10m, that’s $100k PER YEAR in lost revenue that your firm is leaving on the table simply by not having the ability to own their AUM.



someone with the appropriate licensure to manage your clients’ financial assets.


a firm that has securities licensing and can add order of magnitude client-service and revenue generation potential to your firm.


with an accounting firm that has financial advisory capability, or a financial advisory firm - so that your combined whole is far greater than the sum of its parts.

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