
The Elusive Art of Knowing What You Want & Being Able to Articulate It

The Elusive Art of Knowing What You Want & Being Able to Articulate It

The Elusive Art of Knowing What You Want & Being Able to Articulate It

In the world of accounting Talent Acquisition and M&A, as in every area of life, the first step to getting what you want is KNOWING what you want. But it doesn’t stop there.

Most of our clients acutely understand the result that they’re looking for, but the driving force behind seeking said result often eludes them. For example, here is something I heard from a client recently:

“I want someone who can service clients, do technical work, not break the piggy bank, and provide a minimum risk with maximum reward.”

My thought – “You, and everyone else.”

Our approach at White Tiger is a bit different.

We start by working backward from what it is you want, in order to ultimately arrive at who the right person is, or what the right firm profile is, to realistically provide 3 out of 4, or 4 out of 4 of the solutions you’re looking for.


Our consultants speak with dozens of public accountants weekly, and hundreds of public accountants monthly, and we know that this elusive Manager, Senior Manager, or Partner you are after IS out there – as is that perfect buyer or seller.


The problem is that without a crystal clear articulation of what you’re after, you will always miss out on the real opportunities for a solution.


Too often the narrative that is communicated to a candidate or to a firm is inconsistent or incomplete. Great candidates want stability, growth opportunity, and most of all – clarity from the hiring manager, without which none of the other things are truly possible.


Great buyers and sellers want to understand exactly what the other party is looking for. They don’t want to tell you how to plan your exit, or how to integrate your firm. They want you to tell them what your ideal situation is, and the more clearly this is articulated, the higher the likelihood of success on both sides.


Clarity is the missing piece 9 out of 10 times.

Start there.


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